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Cost Calculator

Tell us about the roads being considered for treatment

Enter width in feet

Enter vehicles per day

Enter cost per ton

Enter frequency per year

Determine Your Operating Costs

Pre-populated fields below are based on standard industry averages. Click below to edit based on your costs.

Local Equipment Rates

Enter dollars per hour

Enter dollars per hour

Enter dollars per hour

Maintenance & Preperation

Enter hours per mile

Enter hours per mile

Enter per mile

Enter hours per mile

Contact Information

Example: John Doe


Example: Stock Manager

Example: SafeStep Melters

Example: +1 (913) 555-5555

Have you received a cost quote for Dustgard before?

Please proceed with the cost comparison

Contact your local distributor
Scotwood Industries
Overland Park, KS
(800) 844-2022

Compass Minerals Cost Comparison

Based on the data you provided, treating your roads with DustGard could result in significant cost savings.

* A DustGard representative will contact you with a quote so you can complete the cost comparison.

Your area distributor is:
Scotwood Industries
Overland Park, KS
(800) 844-2022

Gravel Roads Maintenance Cost
Potential Savings Per Mile


DustGard Untreated
Aggregate Replacement Cost $0 $0
Maintenance Cost $1960.00 $0
Cost of DustGard $0 $0.00
Total $1960.00 $0

Please note: Results received from this calculator are designed for comparative purposes only. They are not guarantees of cost savings now or in the future. Aggregate loss calculations based on the study, “Relative Effectiveness of Road Dust Suppressants,” Addo, Sanders, Arinello, and Heiden.
