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Uintah County Graduates to a Smarter Gravel Roads Program.
With heavy haul road traffic wreaking havoc on their gravel roads and their maintenance budget, Vernal, Utah, in Uintah County needed a fresh perspective on how to tackle their particularly tough stretch of roads. The county found the answers they were looking for when the Gravel Roads Academy rolled into town. PDF icon Uintah County Graduates to a Smarter Gravel Roads Program.

Gravel Roads, Part II, Back to the Basics
Written by Steve Jenkins in 2000, this Handbook is written to assist beginning and experienced transportation providers in providing safe, long-lasting roads for the traveling public. PDF icon Download

Gravel Roads Maintenance and Design Manual
The Federal Highway Administration, in conjunction with the South Dakota Local Transportation Assistance Program (SD LTAP), published this manual in 2000. It is used as a guide for gravel road maintenance by all regions of the United States.  PDF icon Download

The Montana Association of County Road Supervisors Motor Grader Operator’s Handbook
Written by Steve Jenkins in 1995, this Handbook is designed to assist beginning and experienced county operators in providing safe, long-lasting roads. It is a collection of the best information available on operating tips, roadway safety and maintenance that every operator should know. PDF icon Download

Road Stabilization Calculator
Input your individual costs into this calculator to compare the cost of a treated versus an untreated road. Click here

Letter to Residents
This sample letter can be placed on your letterhead and will help your residents understand the process and the benefits of good road maintenance.  File Download

Newspaper Article for Community Papers
This article can be personalized to fit your department. Use it in your local newspaper, on your county or department website or on your Facebook page to help area residents know your department's dedication to economically providing them the safer driving surfaces in their rural areas.  File Download

Frequently Asked Questions
This brochure answers frequently asked questions about gravel road maintenance, road stabilization and dust control. File Download

Frequently Asked Questions in Tweet Format
This download offers answers to questions members of your community might have about your road stabilization program. The answers have been written using 140 characters or less, in case your department uses Twitter to communicate with residents.  File Download

News Release for Local Media
Let your community know about your participation in the Gravel Roads Academy with this sample news release. File Download
